low as
- ¾" width x 10" length
- Made in the USA
- Tear resistant and waterproof
low as
- Make Safety Visible
- Made in the USA
- Tear resistant and waterproof
Written by Michele Wheat
Tyvek® wristbands have always simplified the process of identifying individuals and objects. With their wide range of uses and modifications (custom designs, successive numbering, QR and Barcodes, and pull off tickets), there are no limits to what wristbands can do. During this season of coronavirus (COVID 19), we have found even more practical uses for the already versatile Tyvek® armband.
Coronavirus has heightened everyone’s wariness, and with that, new screening methods have been put in place. Coronavirus temperature screening using a noncontact thermometer has become almost essential for health conscious businesses. Health-conscientious adjustments are essential for any industry, from construction and manufacturing to food service and medical professionals working in the “front lines.” Body surface temperature screening is a safe, contactless way to make sure that someone with COVID-19 does not walk into the workplace and spread it to other employees or clients. Applying a brightly colored screening wristband to those with a normal body temperature is a perfect way to identify who has been cleared for work.
Here’s how it works:
- Each person to enter the building must immediately have their temperature taken with a contact-free screening device. If their temperature is below 100°F, they are good to go and work as they normally would, adjusting for social distancing and other CDC recommendations. The CDC says that a fever is diagnosed with a temperature of 100.4°F or higher.
- If their temperature is below that which the CDC has designated to be feverish, then they will put on a (preferably) bright colored Tyvek® wristband to signify that they have already passed the at-the-door screening process. Different colored wristbands should be used each day so that someone will not return the next day with the same band and purposely or accidentally skip the screening process, endangering their coworkers and/or patrons.
- If their temperature is above 100.4°F, they should be relocated to a separate room to be tested with a standard thermometer. If their temperature is confirmed to be in the danger zone, they should return home immediately.
See the CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention procedures.